Saturday, 10 November 2012

Marijuana Legalization 2012, For medical cannabis patients, the Legalize 2012 Constitutional Amendment is an important step in fixing Amendment 20, Colorado's flawed medical marijuana law that was passed by voters in 2000. Amendment 20 was poorly-written by out-of-state interests and has allowed the state to take over the medical marijuana program to the point where there is now a new branch of law enforcement dedicated to fingerprinting and videotaping patients and tracking every gram of cannabis from "seed to sale."
Citizens can write a better initiative that will allow all adult Coloradans to have safe access to cannabis, thus protecting the rights of sick people to also have unfettered, safe access. This includes the right to use cannabis on probation.

Jack Herer (June 18, 1939 - April 15, 2010) was the author of The Emperor Wears No Clothes and the founder of the modern cannabis and hemp re-legalization movement. Since cannabis is one of the safest substances on the planet, he believed there should be no unreasonable restrictions on cannabis cultivation and use by adults. His freedom-based model rejects the sin taxes and over-regulation promoted in law enforcement models. Cannabis should only be subject to normal sales tax, like any other herbal product.

A ballot initiative is a citizen-initiated proposal for a new law. In Colorado, the General Assembly creates most new laws, but the citizens also retain the power to bring new laws directly to a vote of the people through the ballot initiative. The ballot initiative process was designed so that citizens could bring forth proposals that are too controversial or unpopular for the General Assembly to tackle. The process starts by the citizens getting together to write the law. Then they collect signatures on petitions. If enough signatures are collected (about 86,000 signatures of Colo. registered voters are required), then the law goes on the ballot to be voted on by the people.
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