Monday, 16 July 2012

Jackie Samuel: No Nudity Just Cuddles, Jackie Samuel snuggle, Jackie Samuel snuggle $60 hour, Jackie Samuel Snuggle Business---Samuel has started ‘snuggle business’, “What I like to do is cuddle, so I figured it was a good thing to do. A lot of people didn’t like the idea so I figured it would be kind of an underground small-scale operation and provide a little extra income,” the young entrepreneur says.

But her nutty idea already started attracting national attention and she’s already been featured on FOX, CNN and is set to make an appearance on Late Night with Jimmy Fallon.

Jackie Samuel charges people $60 an hour to snuggle with them and New York she has only been in business for a month and has a few clients.

She makes a living by snuggling in bed with complete strangers, nothing else, no sex just spooning in bed for a few hours, 7 days a few and $$$!!

It used to be that a hug was a comforting gesture of companionship between friends or lovers but one woman in Penfield, NY has turned cuddling into a business.

Apparently it isn’t a profession or is a a cover-up for prostitution and Jacqueline Samuel really charges strange men and women to snuggle in bed with her. The session last from 45 to 90 minutes and the prices start at $50.00 up to $$90.00.

29-year-old Jacqueline Samuel from Penfield, New York, began her company Snuggery on June, and has been a complete success ever since.

Jackie started thinking about a business centered around cuddling at the start of grad school, and says she and her sisters even tried selling hugs on the street for $1 each, making up to $80 per day.

And although she hasn’t been able to get certified as a professional cuddler, the University of Rochester graduate has studied the “Cuddle Sutra” and is versed in over 100 non-sexual positions. Still most of the time, she and her clients start out by spooning. Some of her affection-seeking customers (all men) have questioned her about getting some extra attention, but Samuel says most of them respect her boundaries.
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